The Barn
For sale or trade
The Gardens
The Dreaded Hallway
Bedrooms in the Old House
Breaking Ground!
Foundation and Framing
Addition Interior
The History of the House
A Brief History of Clermont County, Ohio
Our Old House In Modern Day Clermont County, Ohio
H A U N T E D ??
Trials! Triumphs! Tribulations!
Our (Very) Old House
The Gardens

Country Gardening

For years we've had gardens at our rental property. Since we had planned to live there, we planted numerous gardens and spent a lot of time maintaining them. Our jobs got in the way and they grew at bit too well. My former job was in the landscaping field, so it was a great place to get cutting of all kinds and use many of mine. My all time favorites being hostas, daylilies, iris and ornamental grasses. At work I dealt with many areas myself so I was really into easy maintenance gardens. We ended up buying a farm down the road with a real old house. Now with the old house work we really haven't worked the gardens into the plan, but lately we've been moving hostas into a new area I've been trying to clean up for the last two years. We have almost 18 acres and it seems almost all of it was in need of a lot of cleaning. Weeds and vines had a great foothold  and have been hard to eliminate. Hopefully now we have a good start.
Other areas were sort of worked on while we were working on the house. Some plants were brought from our former house and some were moved to a better spot because of construction. The plants are maturing and with mulch, much more appealing. There hasn't been much of a plan. I tend to plan as I go.

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