The Barn
For sale or trade
The Gardens
The Dreaded Hallway
Bedrooms in the Old House
Breaking Ground!
Foundation and Framing
Addition Interior
The History of the House
A Brief History of Clermont County, Ohio
Our Old House In Modern Day Clermont County, Ohio
H A U N T E D ??
Trials! Triumphs! Tribulations!
Our (Very) Old House
The Hallway

The Nightmare begins!

Just how do we do this??
The hallway floor joists were rotted and falling apart so they were removed from the walls. The holes in the brick are left. The flooring had been removed and pillars have been placed under the steps to support the stairs. The PO family said it's the best they have felt in years. Now you feel safe going up and down them.
The floor was also open to work in so the repair was not going to be that hard, just fit the joists into the old holes, that is....until.....the heating pipes HAD to go in and immediately filled in my working area. Now there is no where to work. Also the ground slopes and there is not much room for floor joists to fit. All the work on the piers and now they are in our way.
Hmmm.........scratching my head...............................any ideas??

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