The Barn
For sale or trade
The Gardens
The Dreaded Hallway
Bedrooms in the Old House
Breaking Ground!
Foundation and Framing
Addition Interior
The History of the House
A Brief History of Clermont County, Ohio
Our Old House In Modern Day Clermont County, Ohio
H A U N T E D ??
Trials! Triumphs! Tribulations!
Our (Very) Old House
Our Old House In Modern Day Clermont County, Ohio

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Clermont County Today

Our old house sets in an area still rural by looks, but, it is evident that civilization is slowly creeping in . Most houses still have a fair distance between them, but modern-day palaces are beginning to sprout where only corn, soy beans or timber once thrived.

The roads are kept in excellent condition, and people take pride in the appearance of their properties. Truly, Jackson Township is a wonderful place to live.

To learn about the Clermont County local government, or to access different government offices please click here.


This photo somewhat gives you a feel for the openess of the nearly 18 acres that came with the house. The land is also wooded, there is a good sized creek, some pasture and lots of Indian lore.

There used to be a big beam barn beyond the dark corn crib, but it is gone now.

We were told the story about the dimise of the beam barn. It seems the former owner's husband and son-in-law were up on the barn roof ,making some needed repairs. They took a break for lunch, heard a loud noise and ran outside to find the barn had collapsed!