The Barn
For sale or trade
The Gardens
The Dreaded Hallway
Bedrooms in the Old House
Breaking Ground!
Foundation and Framing
Addition Interior
The History of the House
A Brief History of Clermont County, Ohio
Our Old House In Modern Day Clermont County, Ohio
H A U N T E D ??
Trials! Triumphs! Tribulations!
Our (Very) Old House
A Brief History of Clermont County, Ohio

When the Peace of Paris of 1783 ended the Revolutionary War the independence of the American Colonies was recognized and Briton granted all the lands between the Appalachians and the Mississippi River to the new nation.

Settlers had been moving into the new country, eventually called the Northwest Territory, before the formal surrender. An Ordinance in 1787, by the Continental Congress, established a framework of government for the area. It was to be overseen by a Congressional appointed Territorial Governor until any major subdivision of the Territory reached a population of 60,000. At that point, the region could organize itself as a state and be admitted to the Union as a complete equal to the original thirteen.

The Congress appointed General Arthur St. Clair, a revolutionary war hero, the first governor of the Northwest Territory on October 5, 1787.

On December 9, 1800, a proclamation by General St. Clair established Clermont County, Ohio. Clermont was eight of ten counties formed in the southeastern corner of the Northwest Territory. The name, "Clermont," is a French word meaning "clear mountains and hills." As a matter of reference, all of Clermont County was in the one-time Virginia Military District.

Originally Clermont was an arrangement of five townships, eventually becoming fourteen.

Our antique house is located in Jackson Township. Jackson was formed in June of 1834 from parts of Stonelick, Wayne and Williamsburg townships. The new Township was named in honor of the then current president of the United States, Andrew Jackson.

The original Townships of Clermont County were:

Miami Township; Ohio Township; Washington Township (named after George Washington, who actually owned land in Clermont County); Williamsburg Township; and Lewis Township (now part of neighboring Brown County).


Clermont County, Ohio showing its various Townships. This map is from the Clermont County Auditor's site.